10th International Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources
hosted by Mirrotron Ltd., in association with HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research
Budapest, Hungary
16 October 2023, 12:45 - 19 October 2023, ca. 18:20
Mirrotron Ltd. is proud to host the 10th International Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources.
The Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources was formed in 2010 to support the ongoing development of small accelerator-based neutron sources around the world. Since then, fruitful meetings have been held in Beijing (China) 2011, Bloomington (U.S.A) 2012, Bilbao (Spain) 2013, Sapporo (Japan) 2014, Legnaro (Italy) 2015, Xi´an (China) 2016, Bariloche (Argentina) 2018, Paris (France) 2019 and online hosted by Riken (Japan) 2022.
We are happy to be able to meet colleagues from around the world in person again. UCANS 10 is committed to continue advancing the equal participation and collaboration between scientists in all countries in its activities and the principle of free and responsible practice of science.
The conference will take place at Mercure Budapest Castle Hill congress hotel, located at the foot of the Castle Hill in the center of Budapest.
After welcome and registration on the 16th of October 2023, we look forward to four days of exciting talks, posters, and discussions as well as a tour to Mirrotron’s LvB CANS in Martonvásár, the first privately operated CANS facility in Europe. (LvB also refers to composer Ludwig van Beethoven who was a frequent visitor at the castle of Martonvásár in the early 1800s.)
Start: 16 October 2023, 12:45
End: 19 October 2023, ca. 18:20
Note: The conference is planned as an in-person meeting only. There are currently no Covid-19 related restrictions on travel or public gatherings in Hungary. We will keep you informed if the situation changes.