Abstract Evaluation

Abstracts are evaluated by the members of the Scientific Program Committee of UCANS 10.

Please click on RATE DOCUMENT to reach the evaluation page of each abstract.

Please submit your reviews by 7 July.

The Local Organizing Committee will summarize the results and inform candidates by 10 July.

Thank you!

1. The intense DT neutron generator of Technical University of Dresden

Topic:T11 Neutron irradiation

Author:Axel Klix

Affiliation:Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Type:Oral contribution

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2. Design and Analysis of Heat Transfer Structure for Rotating Tritium Target of High Intensity Neutron Generator

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Bo Huang

Affiliation:Institute of Neutron Science (Chongqing) Co. Ltd

Type:Oral contribution

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3. The Design Status of DTL in SYSU-PAFA

Topic:T1 Accelerators and beam optics

Author:Canyu Wang

Affiliation:Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University


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4. Development of HINEG Series High Intensity Steady Neutron Generators

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Chao Liu

Affiliation:Institute of Neutron Science (Chongqing) Co. Ltd

Type:Oral contribution

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5. Design of SANS Instruments at CANS Facilities

Topic:T4 Neutron scattering and material characterization
T8 Innovative instrumentation
T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:David Baxter

Affiliation:Indiana Univ - Bloomington


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6. Development status and application plan of 30 MeV cyclotron based neutron source in Korea

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Dong Won LEE

Affiliation:Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

Type:Oral contribution

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7. Investigation of the mutual influence of multiple extraction channels for accelerator-based neutron sources

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Doruntin Shabani

Affiliation:Aachen University of Applied Sciences


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8. Advances in nuclear data development for moderator and reflector design at the European Spallation Source

Topic:T6 Nuclear data measurements and evaluation

Author:Douglas Di Julio

Affiliation:European Spallation Source

Type:Oral contribution

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9. Development of a Neutron Capture Therapy Compact Spectrometer

Topic:T9 Medical applications

Author:Ettore Mafucci

Affiliation:Università degli studi di Torino

Type:Oral contribution

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10. The IKUR-FUN initiative in the Basque Country – Raison d'être and first steps

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments



Type:Oral contribution

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11. The ICONE project: towards a new neutron source in France for materials science and industry.

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Frédéric OTT

Affiliation:Laboratoire Léon Brillouin CEA-CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay

Type:Oral contribution

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12. Design of a high resolution diffractometer using statistical time modulation to exploit the long pulse structure at the ICONE HiCANS

Topic:T8 Innovative instrumentation

Author:Frédéric OTT

Affiliation:Laboratoire Léon Brillouin CEA-CNRS

Type:Oral contribution

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13. Accelerator-based Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) technology development project at Martonvásár, Hungary

Topic:T9 Medical applications

Author:Ha Shuai

Affiliation:Mirrotron Kft


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14. Low energy neutron-induced SEU cross sections and the need for thermal neutron irradiation using CANS

Topic:T13 Potentials for industrial applications

Author:Hidenori Iwashita

Affiliation:Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Type:Oral contribution

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15. Neutron beam performance of iBNCT001, a linac-based neutron source for neutron capture therapy in Tsukuba project

Topic:T9 Medical applications

Author:Hiroaki Kumada

Affiliation:University of Tsukuba

Type:Oral contribution

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16. Determination of effective temperatures through affordable concurrent techniques in CANS

Topic:T4 Neutron scattering and material characterization

Author:Javier Dawidowski

Affiliation:CNEA (Argentina)

Type:Oral contribution

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17. An Engineering Diffractometer for the High Brilliance Neutron Source (HBS)

Topic:T10 Computer simulations and instrument performance

Author:Jochen Fenske

Affiliation:Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon


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18. Investigation of Pancake-like Moderator-Reflector Structure for the High Brilliance Neutron Source (HBS)

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Junyang Chen

Affiliation:Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Type:Oral contribution

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19. Development and applications of compact deuterium-deuterium neutron generator at INPC, CAEP

Topic:T13 Potentials for industrial applications

Author:Ke Jianlin

Affiliation:Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang

Type:Oral contribution

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20. Statistical Studies and Resolution Measurements on Digitalized Film Images in Neutron Radiography

Topic:T5 Neutron imaging and analytics

Author:Kevin ALVARADO

Affiliation:CEA Paris-Saclay

Type:Oral contribution

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21. The neutron source target proposal for the ARGITU project

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Luis Angel Fernandez Barrio

Affiliation:Consorcio ESSBilbao

Type:Oral contribution

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22. The development of the Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source at CIAE

Topic:T1 Accelerators and beam optics

Author:Luyu Ji

Affiliation:China Institute of Atomic Energy

Type:Oral contribution

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23. Development of neutron reflectometry at a HiCANS: the HERMES instrument at the JULIC Neutron Platform

Topic:T8 Innovative instrumentation

Author:Mariano Andrés Paulin

Affiliation:Laboratoire Léon Brillouin - CEA

Type:Oral contribution

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24. The European Low Energy accelerator-based Neutron facilities Association (ELENA) – Current Status and Perspectives

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments


Affiliation:ESS BILBAO

Type:Oral contribution

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25. Development of a thermal/epithermal/fast neutron and X-ray radiography system for element imaging

Topic:T5 Neutron imaging and analytics

Author:Miki Takeda

Affiliation:Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan


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26. A high brilliance spallation source optimized for one single instrument

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Mina Akhyani


Type:Oral contribution

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27. Experimental and Simulation Analysis of Ethane as a Neutron Moderator at Various Cryogenic Temperatures

Topic:T6 Nuclear data measurements and evaluation

Author:Monia El Barbari



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28. Neutron Science Facility of the IAEA

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Natko Skukan

Affiliation:International Atomic Energy Agency

Type:Oral contribution

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29. On the comparison of the experimental neutron cold spectra obtained for various para- and ortho-hydrogen ratios against Monte Carlo simulations with different codes and nuclear data libraries

Topic:T6 Nuclear data measurements and evaluation

Author:Norberto Schmidt

Affiliation:Forschungszentrum Jülich

Type:Oral contribution

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30. Development of an Epithermal and Fast Neutrons Target-Moderator-Reflector Unit for the HBS

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Norberto Schmidt

Affiliation:Forschungszentrum Jülich


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31. Conceptual design of neutron imaging instruments for the High Brilliance Neutron Source

Topic:T5 Neutron imaging and analytics

Author:Norberto Schmidt

Affiliation:Forschungszentrum Jülich


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32. Conceptual insight into the moderators of ARGITU: A preliminary neutronics study

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Octavio González del Moral

Affiliation:Consorcio ESSBilbao

Type:Oral contribution

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33. JULIC Neutron Platform, a testbed for HBS

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Paul Zakalek

Affiliation:Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Type:Oral contribution

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34. Optimized beam shaping assembly for 13 MeV proton accelerator-based neutron source

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Pulin Bai

Affiliation:Tsinghua University


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35. A new neutron scattering kernel for superfluid helium

Topic:T6 Nuclear data measurements and evaluation

Author:Rolando Granada

Affiliation:CNEA - Argentina

Type:Oral contribution

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36. Possibility of evaluating the cosmic proton environment for CANS using clarifying the relationship between neutron- and proton-induced SEU cross sections

Topic:T13 Potentials for industrial applications

Author:Ryu Kiuchi

Affiliation:Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Type:Oral contribution

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37. Ion accelerator based neutron source at HZDR

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Shavkat Akhmadaliev

Affiliation:Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf


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38. Improvements of fast neutron tomography based on compact accelerator of D-T neutron source

Topic:T5 Neutron imaging and analytics

Author:Sheng Wang

Affiliation:Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, China

Type:Oral contribution

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39. Neutron researches using cyclotron accelerator at INER

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Shiaw-Huei Chen


Type:Oral contribution

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40. Beam acceleration test of 500 MHz-RFQ linac for transportable compact neutron source RANSⅢ

Topic:T1 Accelerators and beam optics

Author:Shota Ikeda



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41. Demonstration of non-destructive, isotope-sensitive material characterization using a laser-based neutron source

Topic:T8 Innovative instrumentation
T10 Computer simulations and instrument performance
T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Stefan Scheuren

Affiliation:Technische Universitaet Darmstadt

Type:Oral contribution

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42. Improvement of arrangement and size of a neutron production target for a higher intensity electron accelerator-driven pulsed neutron source

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Takuma Tashiro

Affiliation:Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan


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43. A novel high-intensity ns-pulsed compact accelerator-driven neutron source

Topic:T1 Accelerators and beam optics

Author:Tao Wang

Affiliation:Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP

Type:Oral contribution

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44. Compact neutron monitoring system using solar cell

Topic:T3 Neutron detection and neutron optics
T13 Potentials for industrial applications

Author:Tomohiro Kobayashi


Type:Oral contribution

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45. Estimation of neutron energy-dependent SEU cross sections of semiconductor devices without fast TOF-analysis function

Topic:T11 Neutron irradiation

Author:Tomoki Sebe

Affiliation:Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan


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46. Neutron Scattering and X-ray Absorption Methods for Hydrogen Charging in Copper

Topic:T4 Neutron scattering and material characterization

Author:Tung-Yuan YUNG

Affiliation:Institute of Nuclear Energy Research


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47. Thermal moderator-reflector assembly for HBS

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Ulrich Rücker

Affiliation:JCNS-HBS, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Type:Oral contribution

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48. The Progress of Grazing-incidence Focusing Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (gif-SANS) Instrument at CPHS

Topic:T4 Neutron scattering and material characterization


Affiliation:Tsinghua University

Type:Oral contribution

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49. Development and Application of Compact High-resolution Neutron Radiography System

Topic:T5 Neutron imaging and analytics

Author:Wen Wang

Affiliation:International Academy of Neutron Science

Type:Oral contribution

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50. Signal characteristics for pulsed neutron beam flux in organic-inorganic halide perovskite solar cells based detector

Topic:T3 Neutron detection and neutron optics

Author:Yasuki Okuno


Type:Oral contribution

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51. Update of Magnetic Optics for Neutron Beams

Topic:T3 Neutron detection and neutron optics
T5 Neutron imaging and analytics
T8 Innovative instrumentation

Author:Yoshihisa Iwashita

Affiliation:Kyoto University

Type:Oral contribution

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52. Exploring a new application of RANS cold neutrons for increasing cold neutrons with flower shaped graphene reflector

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics
T4 Neutron scattering and material characterization

Author:Yujiro Ikeda


Type:Oral contribution

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53. Compact ultracold neutron source for low-energy accelerator-driven neutron sources

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics
T7 Nuclear astrophysics and other neutron applications


Affiliation:Institute for Basic Science

Type:Oral contribution

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54. The optimization of target station for bimodal neutron and photon imaging

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Yuxuan Lai

Affiliation:Tsinghua University

Type:Oral contribution

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55. Realization of neutron sensitive microchannel plate imaging detector with a cross-strip readout

Topic:T3 Neutron detection and neutron optics

Author:Yuxuan Lai

Affiliation:Tsinghua University


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56. Design and optimization of a 200 MHz CW proton RFQ for SYSU

Topic:T1 Accelerators and beam optics

Author:Zeyang Zhang

Affiliation:Sun Yat-sen University


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57. A Novel Pyroelectric Neutron Generator Using Laser Irradiation Heating and Ionization

Topic:T8 Innovative instrumentation

Author:Zhen Yang

Affiliation:Sun Yat-sen University


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58. ​A preliminary study on a intensity current narrow-pulse D-7Li nuclear reaction neutron generator

Topic:T1 Accelerators and beam optics

Author:Jie Li

Affiliation:Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP

Type:Oral contribution

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59. Recent progress of Nuclear Data Production System at RAON

Topic:T12 CANS projects and facility developments

Author:Cheolmin Ham

Affiliation:Institute for Rare Isotope Science, Institute for Basic Science, Korea

Type:Oral contribution

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60. Cold moderator developments for the new generation neutron sources

Topic:T2 Target development and moderator neutronics

Author:Rosta László

Affiliation:Budapest Neutron Centre, Centre for Energy Research

Type:Oral contribution

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61. Digital investigation of the neutron detector

Topic:T10 Computer simulations and instrument performance

Author:Olga Sidorova

Affiliation:Joint Institute for Nuclear Research / Dubna University


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62. Neutron Detection System Development for the NDPS at RAON

Topic:T3 Neutron detection and neutron optics

Author:Dong Geon Kim, Seong Jae Pyeun

Affiliation:Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon

Type:Oral contribution

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